Thứ hạng2
1.94$374533$192850Nhân tố Lợi nhuận
4.33381Lợi nhuận88Thua lỗ
+ 726.73%Hôm nay
$182 683.41Số dư
$182 683.41Tài sản
Sự phát triển
Khối lượng
Lợi nhuận
Giao dịch
Xếp hạng
Ký hiệu
Tin tức
akim81 won 2 place in Round 142
akim81 got the Intraday trader achievement for performing 250 trades that lasted no longer than 30 minutes
akim81 got the Over Achiever achievement for earning 5000 pips
akim81 got the Intraday trader achievement for performing 100 trades that lasted no longer than 30 minutes
akim81 got the Acquirer achievement for multiplying gain by 100
akim81 got the Acquirer achievement for multiplying gain by 50
akim81 got the Profitmaker achievement for performing 100 profitable trades in a row
akim81 got the Master of pair achievement for closing 100 trades
akim81 got the Over Achiever achievement for earning 3000 pips
akim81 position changed from 33 to 39 in last 24 hours
akim81 got the Profitmaker achievement for performing 50 profitable trades in a row
akim81 got the Acquirer achievement for multiplying gain by 10
akim81 got the Acquirer achievement for multiplying gain by 2
akim81 got the Over Achiever achievement for earning 1000 pips
akim81 got the Profitmaker achievement for performing 10 profitable trades in a row
akim81 got the Over Achiever achievement for earning 500 pips